Overcoming Spiritual Roadblocks; Devotion #10 – The Enemy’s Camouflage

The apostle Paul often found himself contending with the enemy throughout his ministry. The devil established strongholds, which are human systems compromised by the enemy. These strongholds attempted to hinder Paul from preaching about Jesus. They blocked Paul’s efforts and even tried to take his life. God empowered Paul to see beyond the physical reality of the human systems to the spiritual forces at work, as it were, behind the scenes.

While Paul was able to discern what was happening, most of the people around him were unaware. The enemy blinded them, so they could not see the truth of what was happening or what the enemy was planning. It was as if the enemy had…

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Top 10 Reasons to Attend our AGM

Not that any of you need any convincing, but we’ve heard in the past that sometimes deacons don’t like meetings. (I know, right?! We were shocked too!)
And apparently deacons aren’t alone in this! But the truth is, people don’t hate meetings; they just hate bad meetings. Would you agree? And what makes a meeting bad? It’s typically an unclear agenda/purpose and feeling like they aren’t heard or their input doesn’t matter.
Well, let us assure you right now that our Annual General Meeting (AGM), coming up next Thursday, will be different! 
In case you’re not convinced, here’s our top ten why you SHOULD attend!

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Ongoing Care and Connection Despite Covid Helps London Ministry Thrive

Sanctuary London has always at its core been about creating relationships with people experiencing oppression and exclusion. Overnight Covid changed the way Sanctuary interacted with each other. In many ways, they went from being intentionally and intensely relational to a service-driven, needs-based ministry. Despite the many challenges, Covid has affirmed their mission and they have continued on!

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Overcoming Spiritual Roadblocks; Devotion #7 – Dancing with the Holy Spirit

Ballroom dancing is an excellent picture of how we cooperate with the Holy Spirit to do ministry. The Holy Spirit leads and guides us, and as we cooperate with him, he moves us effectively in ministry. He shows us step-by-step how to fulfill God’s plans and purposes in a given situation. In his sovereignty, God has chosen to partner with us in building his kingdom.

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Apart, Yet A Part of God’s Kingdom Work

One of the key components of a NewGround partnership is how it supports its partners with learning and networking opportunities; the main one being the annual Ministry Networking Day!

For the first time ever, the annual Ministry Networking Day was held entirely virtually. And while participants were apart and were unable to gather in the same room due to provincial restrictions, one theme resounded during the afternoon spent together: while we remain apart, we are still a part of God’s great Kingdom, serving in a variety of spaces and places in His name!

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Artistic Expressions of Diakonia

The Greek word ‘diakonia’ means service among others. This is where the word Deacon comes from.

One aspect of my identity relates to being a deacon and doing diaconal ministry. It gives me life and is an expression of my faith and worship. For many deacons, that expression is the hands-on work of mercy and service with others in the church or community. It is the practical experience of caring for others, working with others and working towards transformation when tackling issues of injustice.

In the last year, I have done more silent reflection, journaling, writing and especially poetry writing. I would suspect that many of you have been doing things differently too, and finding ways to connect and express Christ in you.

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Community Garden puts People before Plants

When asked where the idea for a community garden came from, Pastor Marcel deRegt noted that the idea came to him as he was looking out over some of the church property, wondering how that “resource” could be better utilized to serve their broader community. He also shared about Gateway’s desire to be so involved and impactful in the community, that if they were to close their doors, the broader community would not just notice the vacant building, but would be grieved at the loss. He wondered if the community gardens could be another way the church could invest in and work with their local community.

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Overcoming Spiritual Roadblocks; Devotion #6 – Resistance

Read: Acts 17:1-9 Often when we start a new ministry project, we find that we run into resistance. Sometimes, resistance happens as minor irritations, like communication challenges with people missing emails or text messages. Misunderstandings can occur within the organizing team. Sometimes it seems that there is challenge after challenge which has to be overcome,…

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