God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
We are living in unprecedented times. For approximately 2 years our conversations, meetings, newsfeeds and social media messages have been inundated with the ongoing pandemic as it continues to impact our personal lives, our churches, our workplaces, our communities and our world.
It seems there is no end in sight...
And yet, Deacons have a unique opportunity to grow community - as strange as that may sound as we physically distance and as things open and close and change daily.
To serve and be served.
To love and be loved.
To know and be known.
We have a unique opportunity to share God’s presence in ways we may have never imagined!
Diaconal Ministries Canada is committed to helping deacons and churches continue to work for the good of all people, in all places and at all times.
Our staff has put together resources to help deacons and churches during this difficult time.
This page continues to be updated so return often.
General Information & Updates
Webinars & Helpful Information
Joint Webinars with World Renew Canada
Listed below are the webinars and learning events we've co-hosted with World Renew to inspire and equip deacons during these challenging times.
All of these have been hosted on Zoom and we've seen over 300 people join us from across the country!
Along with the recorded webinars are additional resources. Feel free to share these with your churches and beyond.
Got an idea for a webinar? Email Erin, our Communications Coordinator, at eknight@crcna.org today.
How Your Church Can Help During Covid-19

Held Saturday, March 28, 2020
An online conversation led by Tammy Heidbuurt of Diaconal Ministries and Chris Orme of World Renew Canada, offering concrete ways churches can help in the midst of these challenging times.
Learning From Inequality During a Pandemic

Held: Saturday, May 9, 2020
Through a panel discussion, participants gained a deeper understanding of the inequalities and vulnerabilities that exist in our society and how we have an opportunity to change ourselves and the way we do church.
Guest panelists included Mike Hogeterp, Director of the Christian Reformed Centre for Public Dialogue, Dena Nicolai, Chaplain and Refugee Support Mobilizer for World Renew, and Michelle Nieviadomy, Assistant Director for the Edmonton Native Healing Centre.
Mental & Emotional Health Help During Covid-19

Held Saturday, April 11, 2020
Participants gained an understanding of mental and emotional health and trauma in our current times. Resources were provided for deacons and ministry leaders as they meet these challenges both inside and outside their church walls.
Responding to Global Communities in Crisis During a Pandemic

Held: Saturday, May 30, 2020
Hearing from World Renew Field Staff and partner agencies, this webinar helped particpants gain an understanding of the current impacts and concerns of Covid-19, particularly how this pandemic has deepened already fraught situations around the globe (refugees/internally displaced people; hunger; etc.)
We also heard how World Renew is able to continue its work through partners and what North American Christians can do to support that work.
Covid-19 Specific Resources
Deacons are tasked to inspire their churches to live stewardly and to minister with grace and compassion to those in need.
Deacons are called to mobilize their churches to be the hands and feet and heart of Christ in their communities - and beyond!
We want to help Deacons and churches continue to do this during this unique and challenging time.
Now more than ever deacons can encourage their churches to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God! Here are some ways you can do that...
Help with...PRAYER
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:6-7
Benevolence is how we support the people around us in tangible, sustainable and meaningful ways. We are living in challenging times, and for many, the financial strains of this global pandemic are being felt and are becoming harder with each passing day.
We've put together some helpful resources to help you and your diaconate thrive during this time!
Some churches are asking how they can still recruit new office-bearers while their churches are not gathering in their usual places and in their usual ways.
Deacons are called to provide care and encouragement to their congregations and to do this with compassion (mercy) and empathy. Here are some resources to help deacons as they minister to their church and community.
We want to hear from you!
Is something missing on this page?
Do you have a burning question?
Got an idea for a webinar?
Use this form to get in touch with us today.