Spreading like Wildfire
While most of our conversations, meetings, newsfeeds and social media messages right now are related to the COVID-19 virus as it spreads around the world, the truth is, something else is spreading too.
A message from Ron Vandenbrink, National Director of Diaconal Ministries Canada
God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1
It’s spreading! Like yeast in a loaf of bread. Like salt sprinkled on our eggs. Like a light set on a window sill. It’s spreading everywhere.
While most of our conversations, meetings, newsfeeds and social media messages right now are related to the COVID-19 virus as it spreads around the world, the truth is, HOPE and LOVE and GRACE are also spreading. And as deacons, we have a unique opportunity to help these positive qualities spread even more quickly. We are uniquely positioned to be the Yeast, the Salt and the Light of God as we serve in our congregations and neighbourhoods. And to lead others into doing the same.
These days we have an amazing opportunity to grow community (as strange as that may sound as we physically distance). To serve and be served. To love and be loved. To know and be known. We have a unique opportunity to share God’s presence in ways we never imagined a few short weeks ago.
In some areas, the kids are leading in this – we can learn from them. Small things done with great love can make a big difference. Perhaps you’ve seen it firsthand. Rainbows are appearing in windows. In Quebec, they come with the phrase “Ca va bien aller”, meaning “it’s going to be okay”. In other places rainbow pics are appearing with simple phrases like “Be Kind”, “Stay Safe” or “Be Positive”.
Small things done with great love can make a big difference.

Rainbows of hope! Rainbows reminding believers that God is still in control. HOPE. LOVE. GRACE. It’s what the Bible is about. It’s what we all need to be about especially these days. Confident that our God has this and being careful to work in ways that reflect that as fact.
So, spend some extra time contacting the most vulnerable in your community – the “rich and poor alike”. Everyone needs kindness. Listen to people carefully. Understand what they have to offer and share with them what you can provide. Give the support you can but do so wisely and carefully. Mourn with those who mourn. And share in the pain of those who are suffering but do so with a confidence that comes with the sign of the rainbow.
Be Yeast. Be Salt. Be Light.
And take care of yourself too. Don’t try to “do it all”. Invite others (carefully) to journey with you. We aren’t in this alone. We have each other (the family of God) and we have the promises of God. Know that we pray for you often.
We at Diaconal Ministries are working hard to provide you with the information you need as you serve wherever God has placed you. Be faithful there. Be present there. Be creative there. Be helpful there. Be prayerful there. Be positive leaders there. Be Yeast, Salt and Light.
Looking for Resources?
Visit our Covid-19 page for new resources, tips, ideas and more. You are also welcome to reach out to our staff or your local Diaconal Coach!
Featured Image Photo Credit: 🇨🇭 Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum