The Refugee Crisis and the CRC Response
The following was sent out by the CRCNA Communications:
With the refugee crisis on many people’s minds, questions have come in to various agency and ministry staff about what the CRC is doing to help.
A number of communication items have recently gone out from our office to address the refugee crisis and how churches can respond to the issue and to the needs of refugees.
To keep you all informed, here is a link to the letter that went to churches throughout Canada: Announcement: Refugee Issues and Resources
In addition, bulletin announcements went to all Canadian churches:
REFUGEE RESOURCES – The local church needs to consider its approach to the refugee crisis. Especially considering Iraq and Syria, we have the opportunity to get engaged. Understand how your church can serve the stranger in your midst by visiting the ‘Refugee Issues web portal’ on the CRC Canada page at www.crcna.org/Canada/social-justice-canada/refugee-issues. There your church will find everything from worship resources to small group studies, an online video for worship settings, and even a doorway to sponsor a refugee.
SYRIA CONFLICT RESPONSE – World Renew is responding to the horrific violence that has torn apart the Middle East and forced millions of people to become refugees. For more than three years, World Renew has been providing food and other assistance to displaced families in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. Please help us continue this ministry. Gifts received from Canadians by December 31 will qualify for a 1:1 match from the Canadian government. Call 1-800-730-3490, visit www.worldrenew.net/donate or mail your gift marked, “World Renew Syria Conflict,” to World Renew, 3475 Mainway, STN LCD 1, Burlington, ON L7R 3Y8. Those interested in helping refugee families as they begin a new life in Canada, should contact Rebecca Walker (rwalker@worldrenew.net).
Various news stories have also gone out about the refugee crisis:
Tragic Images Spur Mobilization on Syrian Refugees
CRC Helps to Resettle Syrian Refugees (also posted on CRCNA Facebook page)
Canadian Government to Match Donations for Syrian Refugee Crisis
As well, we have been working with partners of the CRC; the Canadian Council of Churches, and the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada and the World Council of Reformed Churches have all promoted our content.