Touching Hearts, Changing Lives

Hearts and lives are being impacted by the work of deacons in Classis Huron. About 40 people came together at St. Mark’s Place in Kitchener on the evening of April 18th to hear and celebrate how God is at work in and through diaconal ministry.

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Giving Shelter to the Homeless

“Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless.” -Isaiah 58:7 (NLT) Members of First CRC in midtown Toronto have been picking up garden tools, cooking chili, hosting information sessions, and packing backpacks and baskets in an effort to live out this verse in their own neighbourhood.

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Offerings in a Post-Pandemic Era

How has the “Offering Time” changed in your church in this post-pandemic era? What has changed about the way congregations are giving money to the church and its ministries?

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A Deacon’s Journey of Faith and Service

An inspiring story of how one deacon at Hope Fellowship in Courtice, ON, impacted one family. A follow-up post by guest writer, Amanda Mason.

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When Church & Community Come Together

Over ten years ago, a group of people at John Calvin CRC began dreaming about how to combine the assets and resources of the church with their local community while addressing food insecurity and promoting wise, environmental stewardship. The Glenwood Drive Community Garden was born!

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Top 10 Reasons to Attend our AGM this November 23rd

Apparently deacons don’t like meetings. Really?! And – they aren’t alone in this! But we think they just don’t like BAD meetings.

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