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Since its inception, NewGround has partnered with over 100 Canadian Christian Reformed churches. As we reflect how so many began with just a seed of hope and see how many have grown into flourishing community organizations, we acknowledge God’s goodness; how He has blessed NewGround to be a blessing for some many!

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It Only Takes a Spark!

After a few years’ hiatus (due to the pandemic in 2020), a group of deacons and church members from the Maritime provinces gathered at John Calvin CRC the weekend of Apr. 26-27 for Spark! 2024. Several ministry leaders from the denomination led talks and workshops under the theme “Work in Progress – Joining God Where He’s At.”

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Touching Hearts, Changing Lives

Hearts and lives are being impacted by the work of deacons in Classis Huron. About 40 people came together at St. Mark’s Place in Kitchener on the evening of April 18th to hear and celebrate how God is at work in and through diaconal ministry.

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Giving Shelter to the Homeless

“Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless.” -Isaiah 58:7 (NLT) Members of First CRC in midtown Toronto have been picking up garden tools, cooking chili, hosting information sessions, and packing backpacks and baskets in an effort to live out this verse in their own neighbourhood.

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When Church & Community Come Together

Over ten years ago, a group of people at John Calvin CRC began dreaming about how to combine the assets and resources of the church with their local community while addressing food insecurity and promoting wise, environmental stewardship. The Glenwood Drive Community Garden was born!

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Wearing the Mark of Mercy

Tim Keller writes that mercy isn’t just the job of the Christian: mercy is the mark of the Christian. This quote just stops me in my tracks.

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The Road to Reconciliation Begins with Justice

“People sometimes want to jump right to reconciliation, but there is a stop before you get there, and it is called justice. It is not something that can be skipped.” This was the message shared by Adrian Jacobs, Senior Leader for Indigenous Justice and Reconciliation, at the recent Canadian National Gathering in Ottawa.

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Hamilton Church Plant Offers Unique Internship Opportunity

Are you looking to serve and learn alongside lifelong urban ministry leaders working out their faith in urban Hamilton?
New Hope, an emerging Christian Reformed Church in East Hamilton, Ontario, is hosting a unique internship for Classis Hamilton and surrounding churches which will launch this fall.

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