DMC Walks Alongside New Deacons

I have been a first time deacon for just over a year. Having my name drawn was scary but exciting. I did not know what I was in for, yet I was eager to see what God had in store for me. Over the past year I have attended the Day of Encouragement (DOE) in…

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Diaconal Ministry Coast to Coast

There are around 250 Christian Reformed Churches in Canada -from Houston, BC to Saskatoon, SK., Montreal, QC to Charlottetown, PEI, and everything in between. There are urban churches, suburban churches, rural churches and small town churches.  And most of those churches have diaconates. But those diaconates do not look the same. Some have 12 deacons…

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Every diaconate wants to demonstrate that they know how to care for those who are going through difficult times. Caring for persons who are traveling through some difficult times is an important part of the deacons’ calling -for those who are within their church family and also those outside of their church community. Every diaconate…

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Resources for Deacons: “Guidelines for Benevolence”

In the charge to the deacons, it states that “benevolence is a quality of our life in Christ, and not merely a matter of financial assistance.” Benevolence involves a lifestyle of love,  respect and compassion. To that end, Diaconal Ministries Canada (DMC) has developed “Guidelines for Benevolence” to help address attitudes and behaviors that deacons…

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Too Young?

Deacons are normally known to be older and more experienced people in life. You won’t think of, nor even associate a 22 year old journalism student who is still trying to figure out what to do in life with the position of a deacon. I was asked to think about taking the position earlier this…

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Reverse Mentoring: A New Learning Curve

Group of people having a discussion.

“The church needs young blood in its veins. Our strength for holding the faith may lie in experienced saints but our zeal for propagating it must be found in the young.” Charles Spurgeon These words by British preacher Charles Spurgeon were written over 150 years ago but communicate a clear vision for young and old…

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Developing Spiritual Gifts: mentoring deacons and more

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up…” (Ephesians 4:11-12) The Taskforce report on Elders and Deacons roles in ministry has presented opportunities for teaching and unpacking how leaders in the…

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NEW! Next Devotion in the series

Follow the link below to download the eighth devotion for deacons in the latest set of devotionals from Diaconal Ministries Canada (DMC). In our conversations with deacons across the country, DMC often summarizes the ministry of the deacon into 4 areas: community ministry, compassion, justice, and stewardship. This devotion is the second of three which will focus on…

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NEW! Devotion #7

Here is the seventh devotion for deacons in the latest set of devotionals from Diaconal Ministries Canada (DMC). In our conversations with deacons across the country, DMC often summarizes the ministry of the deacon into 4 areas: community ministry, compassion, justice, and stewardship. This devotion is the first of 3 to focus on deacons and justice. Each devotion…

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NEW! Devotions for Deacons #6

Here is the sixth devotion for deacons in the latest set of devotionals from Diaconal Ministries Canada (DMC). In our conversations with deacons across the country, DMC often summarizes the ministry of the deacon into 4 areas: community ministry, compassion, justice, and stewardship. This devotion is the third of 3 to focus on deacons and compassion. Each devotion…

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