Online Stewardship Course Going Live January 2023

Deacons are to encourage their congregations to live stewardly. More practically, to ask the question: “How can my whole life show that Jesus is my Lord?” It’s no secret that deacons often struggle with carrying out this part of their mandate. Help is now here!

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Hamilton Church Plant Offers Unique Internship Opportunity

Are you looking to serve and learn alongside lifelong urban ministry leaders working out their faith in urban Hamilton?
New Hope, an emerging Christian Reformed Church in East Hamilton, Ontario, is hosting a unique internship for Classis Hamilton and surrounding churches which will launch this fall.

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Retiring Diaconal Coach Shares her Top 10 Moments

Lucinda Klapwyk served the Edmonton area churches of Classis AB North as a Diaconal Coach for twelve (12) years. Lucinda “retired” from her position as a Coach this June 2022. At a recent farewell dinner for Lucinda, she shared with us her many memories and reflections. Here are her Top 10 moments as a Diaconal Coach…

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New Year… New Approaches(?), Part II

A food bank that doesn’t give out any cans??

What if food banks are making people dependent on short-term solutions, focusing only on symptoms while dismissing long-term answers and/or underlying problems?

Watch this interview with John Klein Geltink about a different way to help!

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Overcoming Spiritual Roadblocks; Devotion #9 – Mindsets, Worldviews & Strongholds

Close your eyes and imagine a piece of pizza with all of the best toppings on it.
So, did you see pineapple on your pizza? For some people, pineapple goes on pizza, and for others it does NOT belong there. People have different mindsets when it comes to pineapple and pizza.
Together, a series of mindsets form a worldview, which influences how we see and react to our surroundings. Most of the time, we are not conscious of the mindsets that make up our worldview. Just as we don’t go through life constantly aware of whether we believe it’s appropriate to have pineapple on pizza – until confronted with the issue.

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Overcoming Spiritual Roadblocks – Devotion #8; The Dynamic Duo in Ministry

There is a vital relationship between prayer and action, which is essential for any kind of ministry that advances the Kingdom of God. Prayer needs to be a foundational component of the work that is done, and it needs to be ongoing to sustain the ministry work.

The story of the battle at Rephidim (Exodus 17) is a beautiful illustration of how prayer and action work together to advance God’s kingdom…

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Artistic Expressions of Diakonia

The Greek word ‘diakonia’ means service among others. This is where the word Deacon comes from.

One aspect of my identity relates to being a deacon and doing diaconal ministry. It gives me life and is an expression of my faith and worship. For many deacons, that expression is the hands-on work of mercy and service with others in the church or community. It is the practical experience of caring for others, working with others and working towards transformation when tackling issues of injustice.

In the last year, I have done more silent reflection, journaling, writing and especially poetry writing. I would suspect that many of you have been doing things differently too, and finding ways to connect and express Christ in you.

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