New Year… New Approaches(?) -Part I

What if food banks and community fridges and a lot of our well-meaning efforts are actually making people dependent on short-term solutions, focusing only on symptoms while dismissing long-term answers and/or underlying problems? What is a church to do?

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Community Connections During Christmas!

Christmas may be one of the last holidays that crosses most religious and cultural lines; there aren’t too many individuals and families who don’t celebrate it in some way, shape or form. For many, it’s a time to come together no matter who we are or what we believe. Because of this, Christmas could just be the most perfect time of year to reach out and get to know your neighbours. Here are some great ideas we’ve compiled!

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Ontario Church Cooks Up Ways to Help Refugees

Over the past 7 years, the Refugee Committee of Meadowlands Fellowship CRC has helped eight (8) families move from places of desperation into a place of peace and hope for their futures. In order to support another refugee family, the committee recently held a unique fundraiser; an online Arabic cooking class!

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Overcoming Spiritual Roadblocks; Devotion #11 – Eyes On Jesus

We fix our eyes upon Jesus because he is the author and the finisher of our faith. Jesus is our Redeemer, Saviour and Lord. As our attention is focused upon him, he will give us the guidance and direction we need to run the race well, and he sends the Holy Spirit to empower us to do what he calls us to do.

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Helping that HELPS During Christmas (and beyond!)

We all like to be helpful, don’t we? Opening a door for the elderly man walking with a cane, making a meal for a neighbour or friend when they are sick or just overwhelmed with life, lending a hand at the school fundraiser, and the list goes on. These kinds of ‘helps’ are wonderful and meaningful and are a wonderful way to bless another person. 
So as we enter into the Christmas season, many of us are looking for even more ways we can help those who are less fortunate than us. But what if I told you that some helping doesn’t really help?

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Overcoming Spiritual Roadblocks; Devotion #10 – The Enemy’s Camouflage

The apostle Paul often found himself contending with the enemy throughout his ministry. The devil established strongholds, which are human systems compromised by the enemy. These strongholds attempted to hinder Paul from preaching about Jesus. They blocked Paul’s efforts and even tried to take his life. God empowered Paul to see beyond the physical reality of the human systems to the spiritual forces at work, as it were, behind the scenes.

While Paul was able to discern what was happening, most of the people around him were unaware. The enemy blinded them, so they could not see the truth of what was happening or what the enemy was planning. It was as if the enemy had…

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