What Deacons Need to Know about Reopening; Part 2: Ministry in a Post-Covid World

One thing we’ve hopefully learned these past months is that you can’t plan for everything. Or can you? As deacons begin planning for another ministry year, what are some things they should be talking about?

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What Deacons Need to Know about Reopening; Part 1: Sunday Worship During a Pandemic

For Deacons, what will (and should) ministry look like moving forward as we begin to open up and exist in a post-Covid world?

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Leaving a Legacy of Leadership and Love

After 13 years of ministry, Tammy Heidbuurt is moving on to pursue her passion of community development in a local non-profit bike shop.

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Ten Questions For Coping with Covid

How have you been coping with the changes brought about by COVID? Early on I came across a facebook post with 6 questions to ask yourself in quarantine. I altered the questions to meet my particular situation and needs and each night before bed I write the answers in my beautiful stationary.

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Small Town Church with Big Heart for their Community

Bethany Christian Reformed Church in Fenwick, Ontario is learning a new way of reaching out through a Community Opportunity Scan. Bethany Christian Reformed Church is a small church among the greenhouses, farms and orchards of Fenwick, Ont. Like many churches in the small towns of Ontario, Bethany has a congregation that faithfully attends each Sunday.…

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New Faces Around the Table

Diaconal Ministries Canada is excited to share about some new faces around our board room table! The Board of Directors of Diaconal Ministries Canada is responsible for directing, protecting and promoting its work on behalf of the diaconates of the Christian Reformed Church of Canada. The Board exists to act as the informed voice and…

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