Posts Tagged ‘diaconal coaches’
Equipping the Equippers
Each January we gather our team of Diaconal Coaches for a weekend of learning, sharing, and rejuvenation so that they can know how to best serve Canadian CRC deacon teams in the coming year.
Read MoreRetiring Diaconal Coach Shares her Top 10 Moments
Lucinda Klapwyk served the Edmonton area churches of Classis AB North as a Diaconal Coach for twelve (12) years. Lucinda “retired” from her position as a Coach this June 2022. At a recent farewell dinner for Lucinda, she shared with us her many memories and reflections. Here are her Top 10 moments as a Diaconal Coach…
Read MoreReflections from a Diaconal Coach
JoLyn Bolderheij worked as a Diaconal Coach in Classis Alberta South/Saskatchewan in the greater Calgary area. Last year she ‘retired’ from this position. Here is what she shared about her time as a Diaconal Coach with Diaconal Ministries Canada.
Read MoreServing God’s Church and the Community as a Diaconal Coach
Len Bakelaar served as a Diaconal Coach in Classis Huron for over 18 years. When Len ‘hung up his hat’ and retired from being a Coach back in June of 2020, we asked him to share about his time with Diaconal Ministries.
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