It Only Takes a Spark!

…To get a fire going!

Were you singing this song when you read this title?

While this wasn’t the weekend’s theme song, the annual Spark! conference in Truro, Nova Scotia, certainly made this their aim.

After a few years’ hiatus (due to the pandemic in 2020), a group of deacons and church members from the Maritime provinces gathered at John Calvin CRC the weekend of Apr. 26-27. Several ministry leaders from the denomination were there to help spark some creativity and ingenuity under the theme “Work in Progress – Joining God Where He’s At.”

Adrian Jacobs, senior leader for Indigenous justice and reconciliation in the CRCNA was the keynote speaker and also led a workshop. Beth Fellinger of Resonate Global Mission led a workshop encouraging the church to get outside of their four walls. Justice Mobilizer, Cindy Stover, led a group through the newly developed workshop “Justice; An Everyday Spiritual Journey“. Lastly, Diaconal Ministries’ Regional Ministry Developer Mark Vanderwees and Karla Winham walked through the online Stewardship Course that Karla helped develop last year.

“I hope that everybody learned something!” Karla, one of the event’s organizers, shared afterwards. “I hope everybody is encouraged to think about doing ministry differently. And most of all, I hope everybody is inspired to be creative in how they “do” church!”

Find out more about the event in the video below!

[Video courtesy of Victoria Veenstra, CRC Communications.]

Would your church or classis like to hold an event like “Spark!”?