Breaking News During Covid-19

How are we shining our light during these challenging times? “You are people of the light because you belong to the Lord. So act like people of the light 9 and make your light shine. Be good and honest and truthful, 10 as you try to please the Lord.” Ephesians 5:8-9 CEV Hey Canada! These are strange and challenging…

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Signs of Hope in the Midst of Chaos

Diaconal Ministries Canada and World Renew partner to offer financial grants to churches and ministries during the Covid-19 crisis For Christians, the rainbow has long been a sign of hope – of promise. When Noah and his family disembarked the ark he built, after the waters receded, God made a promise – a covenant –…

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Meet our Stewardship Pilot Project Coordinator

In partnership with Christian Stewardship Services and the CRCNA Canadian Ministries Team, Diaconal Ministries Canada has launched a Stewardship Pilot Project aimed at helping deacons increase their churches’ awareness of the Biblical principles of stewardship and help them live those principles out in practical, measurable ways.  We are pleased to announce that Karla Winham will…

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Saying Farewell to a Beloved Committee Member

Erin Vandenberg served on Diaconal Ministries Canada’s Operation Manna/NewGround Committee for six (6) years. As Erin’s time on the committee has now concluded, she shared a short reflection about her experience and about the program and its impact. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay  All across Canada there are churches filled with people who long to see their…

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Sparks Fly at Maritime Gathering

By: Karla Winham For over 10 years, a day of encouragement and equipping has been held in the Maritimes. This fall, on Nov. 8 and 9, members and leaders gathered for a time of learning, encouragement, and inspiration at John Calvin Christian Reformed Church in Truro, N.S. Participants worshipped together, heard presentations, attended workshops, enjoyed…

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New Coach in Town

How does a national organization engage, support, and equip its members in a hands-on, relevant, and meaningful way? Here at Diaconal Ministries Canada we do this through our incredible network of Diaconal Coaches (formerly known as Diaconal Ministry Developers, or DMDs for short). In almost every Classis across Canada we have one (1) Diaconal Coach…

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Welcome our Newest Board Member!

While he’s not that new anymore, we still wanted to say a formal welcome to Mr. Don Miedema. Don has been on the Diaconal Ministries’ Board since last fall, representing Classis Alberta South/Saskatchewan. We asked him to share a little about himself so you can all get to know him a bit better. Here’s what…

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Youth Justice Initiative Coming in 2019

|By Erin Knight, Communications Coordinator for Diaconal Ministries Canada I recently watched the movie Black Panther with my two sons, aged 11 and 13. While I wasn’t exactly filled with enthusiasm to be watching yet another Avenger movie with my kids on a Friday night, some of the buzz I had heard surrounding this movie…

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Meet our New Board Member for BC Northwest!

Diaconal Ministries Canada is pleased to introduce you to our newest board member for Classis British Columbia NorthWest, Mrs. Cindy Verbeek! Cindy was born and raised in Calgary and lived in Alberta until moving to Houston, BC, her husband’s “hometown” over 15 years ago. Together they are raising 3 beautiful souls, with the first heading…

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Classis Learning Event Proves Worthwhile

On Saturday, November 18th, churches from across Classis Chatham gathered to answer one burning question: Was it time to retire or revitalize their Diaconal Conference. The learning event was titled “The Deacon’s Role: Moving from Standard Version to Revised Standard Version”. A group of about 60 participants gathered at Grace CRC in Chatham to listen,…

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