Signs of Hope in the Midst of Chaos

Diaconal Ministries Canada and World Renew partner to offer financial grants to churches and ministries during the Covid-19 crisis For Christians, the rainbow has long been a sign of hope – of promise. When Noah and his family disembarked the ark he built, after the waters receded, God made a promise – a covenant –…

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Meet our Stewardship Pilot Project Coordinator

In partnership with Christian Stewardship Services and the CRCNA Canadian Ministries Team, Diaconal Ministries Canada has launched a Stewardship Pilot Project aimed at helping deacons increase their churches’ awareness of the Biblical principles of stewardship and help them live those principles out in practical, measurable ways.  We are pleased to announce that Karla Winham will…

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Saying Farewell to a Beloved Committee Member

Erin Vandenberg served on Diaconal Ministries Canada’s Operation Manna/NewGround Committee for six (6) years. As Erin’s time on the committee has now concluded, she shared a short reflection about her experience and about the program and its impact. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay  All across Canada there are churches filled with people who long to see their…

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Doing Ministry…One Cup of Coffee at a Time

How does a national organization engage, support, and equip its members in a hands-on, relevant, and meaningful way? Here at Diaconal Ministries Canada we do this through our incredible network of Diaconal Coaches (formerly known as Diaconal Ministry Developers, or DMDs for short). Our trained coaches are available to connect and meet with deacons and…

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The Four “F” Words Deacons Utter About Classis & Synod

When it comes to Deacons at Classis and Synod (C&S), what is your immediate reaction? It’s been a few years since the Diakonia Remixed Report came out and Synod made the decision to include Deacons as delegates to these denominational meetings. In our many discussions with Deacons (and other ministry leaders), we have quickly realized…

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New Coach in Town

How does a national organization engage, support, and equip its members in a hands-on, relevant, and meaningful way? Here at Diaconal Ministries Canada we do this through our incredible network of Diaconal Coaches (formerly known as Diaconal Ministry Developers, or DMDs for short). In almost every Classis across Canada we have one (1) Diaconal Coach…

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Welcome our Newest Board Member!

While he’s not that new anymore, we still wanted to say a formal welcome to Mr. Don Miedema. Don has been on the Diaconal Ministries’ Board since last fall, representing Classis Alberta South/Saskatchewan. We asked him to share a little about himself so you can all get to know him a bit better. Here’s what…

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