New Faces Around the Table

Diaconal Ministries Canada is excited to share about some new faces around our board room table! The Board of Directors of Diaconal Ministries Canada is responsible for directing, protecting and promoting its work on behalf of the diaconates of the Christian Reformed Church of Canada. The Board exists to act as the informed voice and…

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Meet our First Youth Justice Project Partner!

The students at Unity Christian School in Chilliwack, BC are committed to being good stewards of God’s creation. Over the course of three years, the grade 7 class has created a recycling and composting program at their school. Yet they knew they could do better. In their class discussions, they found that most of the…

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Being Good Neighbours During Covid-19

How can a church show and share Christ’s love during a global pandemic, when communities are mandated to social distance and sometimes quarantine? Maranatha’s Neighbour-to-Neighbour Kits have been one way they reached out in love. Maranatha; ‘Come, Lord Jesus!’  To the members of Maranatha CRC in Lethbridge, this means that they are a community of…

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Learning to Pivot

The word “pivot” has come up many times over the last two months due to the current Covid-19 pandemic. How has your church ‘pivoted’ during these last few weeks in order to love and serve your community in these challenging times? This post is in response to our “Top 10 Ways Deacons Can Help During…

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Top 10 Ways Deacons Can Help During Covid-19

In this Easter Season, it’s good for us to pause and reflect on the fact that Jesus did not come to be served but to serve. As Christ-followers, we are called to imitate this – both wisely and efficiently and not as spineless, people-pleasers, pushed and pulled by every need we see. Now (and always), Deacons exist to…

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Breaking News During Covid-19

How are we shining our light during these challenging times? “You are people of the light because you belong to the Lord. So act like people of the light 9 and make your light shine. Be good and honest and truthful, 10 as you try to please the Lord.” Ephesians 5:8-9 CEV Hey Canada! These are strange and challenging…

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