Church Holds First “Serve Saturday”

This past weekend, a total of 60 participants came out bright and early on Saturday morning for Brighton Fellowship CRC’s (BFCRC) first-ever “Serve Saturday”. Members of all ages were encouraged by the Diaconate of BFCRC to come and help out some local seniors, both inside and outside their congregation, with their fall clean-up. The morning…

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A Deacon’s Experience

As part of our mission to inspire deacons in the work that they do, Diaconal Ministries Canada (DMC) works to share various deacons’ experiences. Our hope is that these stories from across the country will help deacons learn from each other and feel connected to a broader group beyond their own church. This month we…

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Virtual Conference Held in Port Alberni, BC

On September 12, 2017, Port Alberni hosted a virtual “meet the denomination” meeting facilitated by Pastor Curtis Korver, Rich Braaksma and Jessica Boy from Resonate Global Mission. Attending live and on-screen were people from many different ministries in the CRC – Diaconal Ministries Canada (DMC), Resonate, Faith Formation, Aboriginal Ministries, BCLDN (Leadership Development Network) and…

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Opportunities for those with a Diaconal Heart

A Diaconal Coach (formerly called a Diaconal Ministry Developer or DMD) serves as an equipper and coach for local diaconates. Their role is to help deacons grow in their understanding and capacity as Diaconal Leaders, providing coaching, support, encouragement and accountability for diaconates. They do this by holding workshops and training events, by providing relevant…

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