ReImagine Conference

Diaconal Ministries Canada is pleased to promote the ReImagine Conference, presented by Parish Collective happening October 19-20, 2018, in Hamilton, Ontario! What is ReImagine? Church In-With-For The Neighbourhood Our imagination for what it means to be the Church in Canada is changing…dramatically! It’s time to gather together with groups from across the country who are…

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Deacon’s Dialogue – Classis Quinte West Gathering

Deacons serve by leading and equipping the church to minister to its members and the world in a rich diversity of ministries, awakening compassion, demonstrating mercy, seeking justice, and collaborating with God’s Spirit for the transformation of persons and communities.  Come to a time of meeting, sharing and learning from one another! All deacons, including wise,…

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Classis Hamilton Deacons’ Gathering

SAVE THE DATE! – Monday, May 7, 2018, 7-9pm Deacons serve by leading and equipping the church to minister to its members and the world in a rich diversity of ministries, awakening compassion, demonstrating mercy, seeking justice, and collaborating with God’s Spirit for the transformation of persons and communities How do we do this well?…

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Classis Chatham Follow-Up Session

As you may know, in November of 2017, DMC held an event for Deacons of Classis Chatham discussing how the Deacon’s role has changed in recent years. Due to popular demand, we are excited to inform you that we will be conducting a follow-up session for the Deacons of Classis Chatham on: Tuesday, March 27th, 2018 …

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Creation Care Learning Event (B.C.)

Attend an event that is focused on connecting people of faith to stewardship opportunities in the Chilliwack area. We’ll welcome guest speakers Nikki Rekman, from the Chilliwack Vedder Clean-Up Society, and Marc Greidanus, of the Chilliwack Park Society. Nikki will speak on the Scriptural basis and Practical Resources for churches and Marc will outline opportunities for engagement in…

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“When Helping Harms” Workshop ~ Calgary, AB

Registration is free, seating is limited! Please register today at For more info, contact Yvonne Bosgra at 403-246-0795 or

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Churches as Good Neighbours: Listen. Discern. Act. Repeat. [Classis BCSE]

Churches as Good Neighbours: Listen. Discern. Act. Repeat. What are some current habits and practices you and your church are doing to “love your neighbour”? Where has God placed you as an individual and as a church? At Diaconal Ministries Canada, we can provide you and your church with resources to discover and appreciate your…

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Aging: Challenges & Opportunities Conference

Save the date! Living in the last 1/3 of our life brings both challenges and opportunities. This training event will help disability advocates, deacons and other church leaders, adult children of older parents, and people in this later stage of life embrace the life God gives us as we age. Syd Hielema, Team Leader of…

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Adaptive Leadership in Local Ministry Conference

Does the challenge of leading into uncharted territory sometimes feel overwhelming? Resonate Global Mission, Diaconal Ministries Canada and the Connections Project invite you and other leaders from your congregation to an inspiring one-day event exploring Adaptive Leadership and what it can mean for your ministry and congregation, with keynote speaker Tod Bolsinger, author of ‘Canoeing the Mountains’. Saturday,…

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Day of Encouragement – Eastern Canada

Theme: “What will the future hold?” Each day when we see the hurt and despair permeating our society and our world, we can quickly become discouraged. You are invited to join us for a day of learning and encouragement! Our hope is that the various speakers and workshops will provide insight and hope: for today…

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