Top 10 Reasons to Attend our AGM

Not that any of you need any convincing, but we’ve heard in the past that sometimes deacons don’t like meetings. (I know, right?! We were shocked too!)
And apparently deacons aren’t alone in this! But the truth is, people don’t hate meetings; they just hate bad meetings. Would you agree? And what makes a meeting bad? It’s typically an unclear agenda/purpose and feeling like they aren’t heard or their input doesn’t matter.
Well, let us assure you right now that our Annual General Meeting (AGM), coming up next Thursday, will be different! 
In case you’re not convinced, here’s our top ten why you SHOULD attend!

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Ongoing Care and Connection Despite Covid Helps London Ministry Thrive

Sanctuary London has always at its core been about creating relationships with people experiencing oppression and exclusion. Overnight Covid changed the way Sanctuary interacted with each other. In many ways, they went from being intentionally and intensely relational to a service-driven, needs-based ministry. Despite the many challenges, Covid has affirmed their mission and they have continued on!

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Overcoming Spiritual Roadblocks; Devotion #9 – Mindsets, Worldviews & Strongholds

Close your eyes and imagine a piece of pizza with all of the best toppings on it.
So, did you see pineapple on your pizza? For some people, pineapple goes on pizza, and for others it does NOT belong there. People have different mindsets when it comes to pineapple and pizza.
Together, a series of mindsets form a worldview, which influences how we see and react to our surroundings. Most of the time, we are not conscious of the mindsets that make up our worldview. Just as we don’t go through life constantly aware of whether we believe it’s appropriate to have pineapple on pizza – until confronted with the issue.

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Overcoming Spiritual Roadblocks – Devotion #8; The Dynamic Duo in Ministry

There is a vital relationship between prayer and action, which is essential for any kind of ministry that advances the Kingdom of God. Prayer needs to be a foundational component of the work that is done, and it needs to be ongoing to sustain the ministry work.

The story of the battle at Rephidim (Exodus 17) is a beautiful illustration of how prayer and action work together to advance God’s kingdom…

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NewGround Helps London Church Offer Affordable Counselling

Good News Church recently received a NewGround grant in order to partner with the Community Counselling Centre of London, which offers affordable counselling services. This partnership has become a beautiful, reciprocal relationship that is bearing all kinds of fruit. Check out the story now!

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Overcoming Spiritual Roadblocks; Devotion #7 – Dancing with the Holy Spirit

Ballroom dancing is an excellent picture of how we cooperate with the Holy Spirit to do ministry. The Holy Spirit leads and guides us, and as we cooperate with him, he moves us effectively in ministry. He shows us step-by-step how to fulfill God’s plans and purposes in a given situation. In his sovereignty, God has chosen to partner with us in building his kingdom.

Read More about Overcoming Spiritual Roadblocks; Devotion #7 – Dancing with the Holy Spirit