Virtual Conference Held in Port Alberni, BC
On September 12, 2017, Port Alberni hosted a virtual “meet the denomination” meeting facilitated by Pastor Curtis Korver, Rich Braaksma and Jessica Boy from Resonate Global Mission. Attending live and on-screen were people from many different ministries in the CRC – Diaconal Ministries Canada (DMC), Resonate, Faith Formation, Aboriginal Ministries, BCLDN (Leadership Development Network) and…
DOE Edmonton 2017
Register now for the Day of Encouragement (DOE) in Edmonton, Alberta. The event is happening on Saturday, November 4, 2017. The DOE provides an opportunity for encouragement, inspiration, education and skill development for ministry leaders and people of the CRC church. The Edmonton DOE is excited to bring together people from Classis Alberta North so we can network and join God in transforming our communities! For more details check out the DOE 2017 Brochure To register visit the DOE Registration Page here. NOTE: The AGM will also be held at the…
2017 Ministry Networking Day
MY House is one of our Operation Manna (OM) partners. In partnership with Mission Hills Community CRC, MY House is a centre for vulnerable youth that provides essential services like a place to eat, shower, do laundry and access medical care. Calvin Williams was one of the participants of the MND 2017 and offered some encouraging feedback after…
A DMD Experience
Featuring an interview with DMDs: Doug Vandekamp and Dorothy Heidbuurt Diaconal Ministry Developers (DMDs) are encouragers and coaches for deacons. They are experienced in diaconal work and are available to help deacons understand their role and work out their calling in the church and its community. Recently Tammy Heidbuurt connected with two outgoing DMDs about…
Did You Mean These Neighbours, Jesus?
By Trixie Ling In the parable of the Good Samaritan in the Gospel of Luke, a lawyer put Jesus to the test by asking a bold question – “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” The lawyer already knew the answer written in the Law, which is love God and love your neighbour.…
Facing the Giant …
“Looking at the bigger picture of poverty in our community can be overwhelming and often paralyzes people. The fight feels like David standing in front of Goliath, but knowing that the bigger battle of poverty is in God’s hands. The first thing we need to do is hand it over to our Lord … and…