A Church on Mission
With a desire for spiritual renewal, Maple Ridge CRC initiated a Community Opportunity Scan in order to listen to their community, their church, and the Holy Spirit. Photo by Lina Kivaka from Pexels By Cindy Verbeek, Board Member of Diaconal Ministries Canada and Erin Knight Maple Ridge Christian Reformed Church is what you might call…
Saying Farewell to a Beloved Committee Member
Erin Vandenberg served on Diaconal Ministries Canada’s Operation Manna/NewGround Committee for six (6) years. As Erin’s time on the committee has now concluded, she shared a short reflection about her experience and about the program and its impact. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay All across Canada there are churches filled with people who long to see their…
Seeing the Unseen
For most of his life, Al Fielding suffered epileptic seizures. Through two local church communities and an encounter with God, he was healed — and now finds himself on his second term as deacon at Jennings Creek CRC. (Photo by Tim Fuzail from Pexels) “I always felt like God had no use for me. I…
Sparks Fly at Maritime Gathering
By: Karla Winham For over 10 years, a day of encouragement and equipping has been held in the Maritimes. This fall, on Nov. 8 and 9, members and leaders gathered for a time of learning, encouragement, and inspiration at John Calvin Christian Reformed Church in Truro, N.S. Participants worshipped together, heard presentations, attended workshops, enjoyed…
The Four “F” Words of Classis & Synod; Part 3 – From Faraway to Feasible
This month we are continuing our series on the four “F” words deacons may utter about classis & synod. When I say ‘we’, I mean Diaconal Ministries Canada and our good friend, Rev. Al Postma of Pastor Church Relations/Classis Renewal. So far we’ve covered “FOREIGN!” and “FORMAL!”. Our hope in writing these articles is to…
This story was posted on the DoJustice Blog on November 18, 2019, in partnership with the Office of Social Justice. ———- I have yet to join a Friday Climate Strike. Not because I don’t think climate is important. I understand the clear science behind climate change and have seen firsthand the devastating impacts both in…