Overcoming Spiritual Roadblocks; Devotion #6 – Resistance

Read: Acts 17:1-9 Often when we start a new ministry project, we find that we run into resistance. Sometimes, resistance happens as minor irritations, like communication challenges with people missing emails or text messages. Misunderstandings can occur within the organizing team. Sometimes it seems that there is challenge after challenge which has to be overcome,…

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Overcoming Spiritual Roadblocks; Devotions #4 – “Letting God Speak”

When we listen to the directions on a phone app, we have to listen and follow the directions we receive, and they guide us to where we need to go. Similarly, as we listen to the Lord in prayer, He guides and directs us in the best route.

But how do we hear God’s voice when we pray?

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Overcoming Spiritual Roadblocks in Ministry – Devotion #3; Why Pray?

What exactly is prayer, and how does it fit into the work which the Lord calls us to do?

At its heart, prayer is a form of communication. It is a conversation with our Heavenly Father. But dialogue is only the start. Just as in earthly relationships, communication is essential for growth and health. It is the same with our relationship with God. As the apostle John reminds us, we need to abide or remain in Christ. As we remain, we grow in relationship with him.

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Ten Questions For Coping with Covid

How have you been coping with the changes brought about by COVID? Early on I came across a facebook post with 6 questions to ask yourself in quarantine. I altered the questions to meet my particular situation and needs and each night before bed I write the answers in my beautiful stationary.

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Serving a God of Change: Part 2 – Top 7 Reasons Change can be a Good Thing

In Part 1 of ‘Serving a God of Change’, we looked at why change can be so hard for us humans and why we tend to avoid it at all costs. But if we’re being honest, I think we can agree that sometimes we DO want change; new things can bring excitement and refreshment. Like…

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