Thinking “Local” at Christmas

“Getting our church more ‘invested’ with a local Giving Tree is one way we as a church are growing our relationship/involvement with our community.”

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Community Connections During Christmas!

Christmas may be one of the last holidays that crosses most religious and cultural lines; there aren’t too many individuals and families who don’t celebrate it in some way, shape or form. For many, it’s a time to come together no matter who we are or what we believe. Because of this, Christmas could just be the most perfect time of year to reach out and get to know your neighbours. Here are some great ideas we’ve compiled!

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Helping that HELPS During Christmas (and beyond!)

We all like to be helpful, don’t we? Opening a door for the elderly man walking with a cane, making a meal for a neighbour or friend when they are sick or just overwhelmed with life, lending a hand at the school fundraiser, and the list goes on. These kinds of ‘helps’ are wonderful and meaningful and are a wonderful way to bless another person. 
So as we enter into the Christmas season, many of us are looking for even more ways we can help those who are less fortunate than us. But what if I told you that some helping doesn’t really help?

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The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Two articles have recently popped up on The Network and their timing is perfect. Like it or not, we are heading into the Christmas season, also known as the Christmas “shopping” season. While the global pandemic forges on, it appears that this is one ‘essential’ many of us won’t be giving up on or changing a whole lot.

As Christians, we are already anticipating the 4 weeks of Advent that will begin on December 1st, where we wait expectantly to receive the greatest gift of all – our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

BUT! We are quick to remember that Christmas is also about giving and sharing! A time when we remember how blessed we are and how we can share the joy of Christmas with those near and far through the simple act of gift-giving.
So, how will we spend our money this year?

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Webinar Addresses Helping that Helps at Christmas (and beyond!)

Christmas is almost here! I’m sure you didn’t need that reminder (at all!). Costco shelves and dollar store aisles have had their Christmas supplies out since October, if not sooner. Churches and charities have been busy planning and promoting their Christmas programs and ministries for a while now. Social media has been buzzing about who…

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Christmas Reflection from DMC’s National Director

I heard a voice thunder from the Throne: “Look! Look! God has moved into the neighborhood, making His home with men and women! They’re His people, He’s their God. He’ll wipe every tear from their eyes. Death is gone for good—tears gone, crying gone, pain gone—all the first order of things gone.” The Enthroned continued,…

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