Refugee Sunday

Have you seen a robin yet? There has certainly been extremely cold and stormy weather in many parts of Canada this winter!  Some areas have had excess snow whereas other areas have had incredibly cold temperatures. In Ontario, we experienced the coldest February on record! I find great comfort knowing this weather is in His hands. Thanks be to God that He is in control!

With the arrival of spring this month, we anticipate with gratefulness the warmer temperatures and new life that comes with this season. Let us also give thanks for essentials such as clothing and food as World Renew walks alongside disaster survivors and refugees who may not have access to these daily needs.

Today there are more than 50 million people who have been forced from their country because of threats to their personal safety. In Canada, private organizations – including churches – have the unique opportunity to sponsor refugee families and help them resettle into a new and safe community. This is a powerful way to demonstrate the love of Christ to those displaced by persecution and war.

April 12 is Refugee Sunday in Canada. We encourage your church to use this day (or set aside another Sunday soon) to pray for refugees and hold an offering in support of World Renew’s refugee ministry, and to consider sponsoring a refugee or refugee family.

For Refugee Sunday this year, World Renew has a new litany and PowerPoint presentation available for your church to use during your service. Another new resource is “Journey with Me: Refugee Stories that Change Lives”, an interactive workshop for churches about refugee justice. To download these materials and find out more about refugee sponsorship, go to the World Renew website or contact Rebecca Walker at

written by Peter Bulthuis (World Renew Church Relations)