NewGround is primarily funded through an annual offering taken by Christian Reformed Churches across Canada.
We also rely heavily on private donors and grants.
Will you join our mission to help churches love their community?
Changes Ahead for NewGround Sunday
You may have noticed some significant changes recently to the CRCNA 2025 Offering Calendar which is produced by the denomination.
It was decided last spring that any ministry that is not directly accountable to the CRCNA and that does not directly benefit from denominational ministry shares would be removed from this giving calendar. (Note: World Renew WAS still included; while they do not receive Denominational Ministry Shares, they are accountable to Synod/the CRCNA.)
Diaconal Ministries Canada is not a formal agency of the CRCNA; we are a partner agency affiliated with the CRCNA, just like the Calvinist Cadet Corps. As such, we do not receive denominational ministry shares or any other support from the CRCNA. (We collect our own Diaconal Ministry Shares, or “dues”.)
As such, Diaconal Ministries was not a part of the above decision and one direct result of this was that NewGround Sunday - which was historically designated as the first Sunday in May - was removed from this offering calendar.
In order to still help agencies like ours promote our work and programs, the denomination included a sheet of stickers for deacons to use as they organize their offering schedule and themed Sundays.
We hope that your church will commit to holding NewGround Sunday this coming year - on whichever date works best!
Campaign resources will once again be auto-shipped to your church by mid-February. We hope you will be able to promote this important program to your congregations, whether you hold an offering or not!
Why Give?
Let us tell you!
All across Canada, there are churches like yours, filled with people who long to see their communities transformed with the love of Christ. Yet many congregations don’t have all of the resources or expertise in order to do that. This is where NewGround can help.
NewGround helps churches discover God’s dreams for their city and local community and where He is already at work and how churches can join Him.
The churches and ministries you are helping to support are deeply grateful. While these ministries might not be in your own city or town, we believe that the work of the Lord is being done and you are actively participating in growing God’s Kingdom!
Thank you for your generosity and partnership!
Resources for Churches
NewGround Offering Resources
Churches will receive a NewGround Mailing by mid-February. Check below for the updated resources.
If your offering is before February, you can use some of last year's materials. (Just change dates where needed/appropriate.)
**Whether churches hold an offering or not, we are still asking them to hand out our brochures to let their members and attenders know about this wonderful program!**
Download your offering resources here...
Ways to Donate to NewGround
Churches and their members can donate to NewGround in a variety of ways!
>> Please ensure donations are directed to "Diaconal Ministries Canada" and are earmarked "NewGround".
*Contributions directed toward an approved program or project will be used as restricted with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the National Director, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed.
Resources for Donors
“With the financial assistance from NewGround, our church opened a Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Debt Centre several years ago. NewGround also provided coaching and help with networking with another church with a CAP program. As the Centre’s manager, I am passionate about the opportunity to witness how God connects us to people in our community and to see Him at work in and through our church. I am very encouraged by the volunteers and other ways the church members have been involved. One volunteer shared this: ‘I have seen first-hand that CAP has been a real blessing in the lives of clients as they found hope to overcome crippling debt. I have also experienced the unexpected blessing of new friendships through the CAP program. CAP is a very worthwhile ministry, and I will continue to pray that it will flourish and bless many more clients in our city.’ CAP connects us to what God is already doing in our community!”
--Nancy V, CAP Centre, Crosspoint CRC (Brampton, ON)
“I was giving a tour to a social worker and as we went through each room of MY House, she was amazed that there was such a wide range of free resources available to youth at one place, without any pre-requisites or qualifications. Any youth could have anything, no questions asked. Most items had been donated from the community and local churches.
The very next day, that social worker brought one of the youth she oversees to MYHouse. This young girl was running out of food and other essentials. We gave her a couple boxes of food and supplies to bring back to her home. She received so many nice things that she needed that she exclaimed, ‘I feel so spoiled!’”
--Calvin W, Director (partnered with Mission Hills CRC, Mission, BC)
What is NewGround?
NewGround helps churches...
- DISCOVER God’s dreams for their church and local community,
- REALIZE where He is already at work, and
- equips churches to JOIN Him.
Watch this video to see how NewGround can help YOUR church love its community!

Reach out to our office at or 1-800-730-3490 x4304 with any comments, questions or concerns.