Six Ways to Use our Online Stewardship Course
Wouldn’t it be exciting to see the impact of a church that faithfully manages ALL of its gifts and resources? Use our online Stewardship Course to help kickstart stewardship in your context!
Read MoreWhen a Church Comes Knocking
Diaconal Ministries Canada offers dozens of resources to help deacons live out their mandate and calling. But sometimes we wonder, do deacons and churches in Canada even know what we have to offer them?! And then along comes a church that asks for it all!
Read MoreOfferings in a Post-Pandemic Era
How has the “Offering Time” changed in your church in this post-pandemic era? What has changed about the way congregations are giving money to the church and its ministries?
Read MoreHow Deacons Impacted my Faith and Family
“God brought light back into my family’s world through the deacons at Hope Fellowship, who supported us and showed the love of Jesus,” shares Amanda. Here’s her story…
Read MoreOnline Course Redefines Stewardship
A brand new, self-guided, online stewardship course is now available to deacons and churches.
Read MoreOnline Stewardship Course Going Live January 2023
Deacons are to encourage their congregations to live stewardly. More practically, to ask the question: “How can my whole life show that Jesus is my Lord?” It’s no secret that deacons often struggle with carrying out this part of their mandate. Help is now here!
Read MoreBrampton Church Discovers New Ways to Steward Creation
Crosspoint Church found creative ways to equip and encourage their congregation to live stewardly by embarking on a variety of creation care activities!
Read MoreNew Year… New Approaches(?) -Part I
What if food banks and community fridges and a lot of our well-meaning efforts are actually making people dependent on short-term solutions, focusing only on symptoms while dismissing long-term answers and/or underlying problems? What is a church to do?
Read MoreHelping that HELPS During Christmas (and beyond!)
We all like to be helpful, don’t we? Opening a door for the elderly man walking with a cane, making a meal for a neighbour or friend when they are sick or just overwhelmed with life, lending a hand at the school fundraiser, and the list goes on. These kinds of ‘helps’ are wonderful and meaningful and are a wonderful way to bless another person.
So as we enter into the Christmas season, many of us are looking for even more ways we can help those who are less fortunate than us. But what if I told you that some helping doesn’t really help?
Community Garden puts People before Plants
When asked where the idea for a community garden came from, Pastor Marcel deRegt noted that the idea came to him as he was looking out over some of the church property, wondering how that “resource” could be better utilized to serve their broader community. He also shared about Gateway’s desire to be so involved and impactful in the community, that if they were to close their doors, the broader community would not just notice the vacant building, but would be grieved at the loss. He wondered if the community gardens could be another way the church could invest in and work with their local community.
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