She is the Champion, My Friends!

By Rachel Vroege, Regional Ministry Developer for Western Canada This year marks my 6th year work anniversary with Diaconal Ministries Canada. My position is a mouthful – Western Canada Regional Ministry Developer – but can be summed up in one word – Champion. When I started on May 1, 2013, I had very big shoes…

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6 Ways to Stay Motivated this Summer

Summer is finally here! In Canada, we cherish these long-awaited months as they seem to go by faster and faster each year. We can’t wait to spend time outdoors, on the water, or just plain relaxing – or all three! No matter what part of the country you live in, we Canadians love these dog…

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Becoming a Greener Church – Creation Care Series, Part 3

This month we are finishing up our mini-series on Creation Care, which we started in April, partly in celebration of Earth Day. But as we recall from our last post, EVERY DAY IS EARTH DAY, right?! It is our Christian responsibility to care for God’s creation, which not only includes personally in our homes, but…

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Every Day is Earth Day! Creation Care Series, Part 2

This month we are finishing up our mini-series on Creation Care, which we started in April, partly in celebration of Earth Day. Did you know that the first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970? Its founder, former Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson, was inspired to create this day of environmental education and awareness after…

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Caring for God’s Creation. Creation Care Series Part 1 of 3

Photo of a hummingbird sipping a drop of water from a leaf

Over the past six months, Diaconal Ministries’ staff have read and studied the book “Earthwise; A Guide to Hopeful Creation Care”. Initially when we started this book, I thought to myself; I’m not really sure why we are taking time reading about a topic that we likely know enough about and probably all agree upon anyway.…

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Diaconal Ministries Canada Breaks New Ground!

NewGround Program Banner

Here at Diaconal Ministries Canada, we believe God is always at work and He calls churches to follow Him into their communities to share Christ’s transformational love with each and every person. Cities and neighbourhoods should be impacted and blessed through the social action and thoughtful, cultural engagement of local Christians. Through its Operation Manna…

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Surviving Recruitment Time

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!!” Yes, yes, we know Christmas is long gone. It’s Recruitment Time! I am sure by now your Church Council has worked long and hard to craft a witty and concise bulletin announcement and that it’s been published the last 3 weeks, with a deadline that is fast-approaching.…

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Gateway’s Extreme Weather Shelter – Larry’s Story

Diaconal Ministries Canada invited guest blogger, Monica deRegt, to write a 3-part story on the Extreme Weather Shelter opened up by Gateway Church in Abbotsford, British Columbia. While writing the last article, Monica felt led to also share this personal story of her experience in meeting Larry, one of the Shelter’s patrons. You might remember seeing Larry’s picture in Part 1 HERE of this series. Also check out Part 2 by clicking HERE! Larry was sitting alone at a table in…

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