OM Partner Highlight – West Yellowhead Pregnancy Care Centre

This story was adapted from Pastor Ken Douma’s presentation at the Day of Encouragement in Edmonton, AB on Saturday, November 4, 2017. Pastor Ken is the lead pastor at Edson Peers CRC*, in Edson, AB. A couple of years ago, Pastor Ken got a phone call from Natalie Walker, Director of the West Yellowhead Pregnancy…

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Leading with… LOVE

If we’re being honest, sometimes leadership means… doing things you don’t want to do. What do I mean, you ask? Well, think about it this way. As a parent, probably 50% of what I do are things I don’t necessarily WANT to do, but HAVE to do. When we are raising children, they are looking…

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“Oh When the …DEACONS(?!)… Come Marching In!”

I love marching bands!!! Don’t you?! It’s one of the biggest reasons I attend parades, much to the chagrin of my lovely husband. Sometime I wonder if he had some horrible childhood experience or something because c’mon; who hates parades?! Am I right? It’s like hating fireworks. How is that even possible?! But back to…

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Help with Recruitment Strategies is here!

We hope last week’s post on the Top 10 Ways to Recruit New Council Members struck a chord with y’all. We believe many of you will agree with us when we say that this process is a BIG deal and it deserves your utmost attention! Councils need to MAKE a plan and then STICK to…

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January 2018: Let’s Focus on RECRUITMENT!

It’s a brand new year! A season of fresh starts! A time when we strive to be the best we can be moving forward. Of letting go of our past mistakes and bad experiences and grabbing hold of new and exciting opportunities to learn and grow! Right?! Are ya with me?!! In the world of…

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DMC – Here to Serve!

It’s a New Year! A time of reflecting on the past and looking forward to a brighter future. It’s a time to take stock of who we are, what we’ve done (and perhaps not done), and where we want to go in the year ahead. For most businesses or groups, a Mission Statement can be…

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Classis Learning Event Proves Worthwhile

On Saturday, November 18th, churches from across Classis Chatham gathered to answer one burning question: Was it time to retire or revitalize their Diaconal Conference. The learning event was titled “The Deacon’s Role: Moving from Standard Version to Revised Standard Version”. A group of about 60 participants gathered at Grace CRC in Chatham to listen,…

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Paying it Forward: A Refugee’s Story

Here at DMC, one of the great privileges we have is hearing YOUR stories of how God is at work in your church and community. Below is a story that was shared by Mr. Fred Abma, a Deacon at Bethel CRC in North Edmonton, at the recent Day of Encouragement held in Edmonton. John Lendein…

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Does #GivingTuesday bring #GivingFatigue?!

Truth be told, this article actually began back in late September. While listening to talk radio as I drove into work, the topic of discussion was Disaster Fatigue. The talk show host was asking his listeners if they had ever heard of this and/or if they had ever ‘suffered’ from this. What he was referring to…

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#GivingTuesday coming up November 28, 2017

Have you seen this video recently? It has been making its way around Facebook and other Social Media platforms. It’s not a new video (it came out December 2016). It’s also not a new concept: being grateful for EVERYTHING we have! If you haven’t seen it, we’ll give you a minute to watch it now.…

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