2017 OM Summer Blog

Camp Shout 2017 is over… but its mission continues!

The final blog post by Aydan Schat, Camp Leader at OM 2017 Partner Camp Shout

Camp SHOUT* 2017 is complete. It was, by my definition, incredibly successful. Relationships blossomed between campers, staff, and volunteers. We were able to share God’s love with so many well-deserving children, and I think that is about as beautiful as anything gets. The week after camp ended we had an event at the church to thank some of our volunteers for their work at Camp SHOUT. A couple campers saw us as we were hanging out and next thing we knew, there were 7 or 8 former campers arriving at the church to see us all again. The relationships don’t end after camp is finished. They continue for weeks, months and years. Some of the campers will be attending again next year. Former campers will come back as Leaders in Training. Staff will return to work. Camp SHOUT 2017 is complete, but its mission continues with the people who are involved.

Thanks so much to Operation Manna for their support and to everyone else who has supported Camp SHOUT through their time, resources and prayers. We look forward to more good years in the future!

~Aydan Schat~

*To watch highlights from this year’s camp, click HERE.

*Camp SHOUT (See Him Open Up Truth) is a high-energy, low-cost day camp that gives local kids between grades 1-6 a fun, safe place to play and learn about Jesus. It runs for four weeks at Jubilee Fellowship Church in St. Catharines, ON. Jubilee Church views Camp SHOUT as a way for their church community to build bridges with their local community by providing safe, affordable camp for neighbourhood kids. A typical day at camp involves games, crafts, songs, chapels, smiles, and fun. Because Camp SHOUT is low-cost, it is designed to give kids who might not otherwise go to camp a chance to develop the character, teamwork and friendships that a camp experience generates. 


Here is Aydan’s first blog post from the beginning of Camp Shout!

My name is Aydan Schat. I’m the Head Counsellor at Camp SHOUT, an outreach ministry in the form of a day camp, run by Jubilee Fellowship Christian Reformed Church. My job is to plan activities and recruit campers for 4 weeks of camp, ensuring that it’s a fun and safe place for the campers we’re entrusted with.

I first worked for Camp SHOUT 4 years ago. I worked as a counselor, helping to lead the activities each day. I absolutely loved it. I got to play with kids and lead activities and I got paid for it. It was the dream for 16-year-old me. So I came back all of the following years.

In those years, Camp SHOUT has undergone some huge changes. It has grown in attendance, in the amount of planning required, and has added new job positions. In those same years, I have also undergone some huge changes. I’ve gone to university. I’ve become more aware of the realities of the world. As a result, Camp SHOUT is no longer quite the same “play with kids and get paid” experience for me. It is something much greater. Camp SHOUT is a chance for me to impact the lives of children with all kinds of different stories, to get to know them and to care for them. There is so much good that can come out of it. And I still do get to play with them. It’s just way more than that.

I’m excited for this year at Camp SHOUT. I’m excited to see the impact that we can have on campers’ lives, as well as the impact they have on ours.

~ Aydan Schat is working this summer at Camp SHOUT*, a 2017 OM Partner and Grant recipient.