Diaconal Ministries provides training and materials to foster an acute awareness among deacons and churches of the importance of stewardship in the Christian life.


Please explore the resources below.

“In imitation of Christ’s mercy, deacons teach us to love God, our neighbours, and the creation with acts of generous sharing, joyful hospitality, thoughtful care, and wise stewardship of all of God’s gifts.”

CRCNA Form for the Installation of Elders and Deacons – 2016

Deacons are to encourage their congregations to live stewardly. More practically, to ask the question: “How can my whole life show that Jesus is my Lord?”

Stewardship is the faithful management of all that God has entrusted to us so that creation and all who live in it may flourish. It involves understanding that everything we have is a gift from God and we are called to 'steward' it in ways that please Him and bring Him glory.

For simplicity, we say the 4 T's of Stewardship are:

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Our Online Stewardship Course is LIVE!

In partnership with Christian Stewardship Services and the CRCNA in Canada, Diaconal Ministries has launched a brand new online, self-guided Stewardship Course designed to help deacons increase their churches’ awareness of the Biblical principles of stewardship and help them live those principles out in practical, measurable ways.

Gather a team from your church and start the course today!

It was good to review my spiritual gifts inventory [in the Talents module] and note how they are changing over time, as well as taking a peek at my personality. I am open to taking some new roles (roles I hadn’t considered in the past) in my church this fall. I have been meaning to sign up as a volunteer with [a local organization in my community] for some time since I talked to them at an event. The emphasis on volunteering in this module, and not just for Christian organizations, was enough for me to go to [their] website and become a member. - Online Stewardship Course pilot participant

Benevolence is closely tied to stewardship but more specifically to how we support the people around us. The Christian Reformed Church's charge to the deacons states that “benevolence is a quality of our life in Christ and not merely a matter of financial assistance.”

Benevolence involves a lifestyle of love, respect, and compassion.

Stewardship Resources

Getting Started - An Overview of Stewardship

Overview of the Deacon's Role in Stewardship

"Inspiring faithful stewardship" is a key part of the deacon's mandate. Read or download our PDF by clicking the button below.

Watch this video too!

Creating a Stewardship Team

While stewardship falls under the mandate of the Deacons, a designated team will educate your congregation and facilitate action towards greater Biblical stewardship in ALL areas of life.

What EVERY Stewardship Team Should Do

So you've got a Stewardship Team... now what?!

We've put together the top 5 tasks your team should do to get off on the right foot!

Sermon Resources

Stewardship and discipleship go hand-in-hand. Incorporating consistent stewardship 'language' and themes into your worship gatherings will allow your congregation to grow in the grace of giving (2 Cor. 8:5-7).

Share this resource with your pastor and/or worship committee.

#StewardshipSparks June 2022 God spend you

Recommended Resources

We've compiled a list of books and small group studies to help your diaconate get started in learning what biblical stewardship is.

Promote Stewardship

SPARK stewardship in your congregation!

We've compiled quotes and bible verses for deacons to share - on social media channels, in your church's communications and to display during worship (powerpoint slides) and on bulletin boards.

We've also put some into graphics all ready to go! Click the link below to check it out.

Stewardship of TREES (Creation Care)

General Overview

Everything in God's good creation has been entrusted to our care.

What does that look like in our every day lives?

Community Gardens

Community gardens are an excellent way for churches to steward their resources for the good of their neighbours. Here are some resources to help you get started:

Climate Witness Project

We believe that our world belongs to God and everything in it matters. How then can churches love their neighbours and be good stewards of creation?

Stewardship of TREASURES

General Overview

Every single thing we have, from our hairbrush to our homes, belongs to God.

No matter how hard we have worked for it, God cares about how we use our 'stuff' and share it with others.

Ministry-Focused Budget

A ministry-focused budget can provide a snapshot to church members (and particularly new members) of how a church is living stewardly into the mission God has called them to. It will inspire your members to give faithfully and generously.

Here is one sample brochure - use this to create your own!

These can be shared in a variety of ways in your church - place them in the pews, give one to new members when they join your church or when someone does profession of faith, include with your monthly Stewardship Newsletters or other church communications - or whenever and however you wish!

What are Ministry Shares?

In 1862, Christian Reformed congregations covenanted to pool their resources in order to do more and greater ministry together. Today we call this Ministry Shares.

Check out the CRCNA's website for more information on where this money goes and why.

[*NOTE: These are different than Diaconal Ministry Shares that we collect to fund our work. Find out more HERE.]

Offering As Part of Worship

The Offering time is so much more than simply drawing attention to the monies needed to ‘meet the church budget’ (for programs, building maintenance, salaries, etc). It is our response of gratitude for blessings we receive from God, our Heavenly Father.

The Offering should be an integrated part of the worship service. Here are some ways to do that.

Choosing Which Ministries to Support

With so many worthy and worthwhile causes, how can deacons decide which ones to support?

Here are some guidelines to help your diaconate (team of deacons) discern and decide.

Offering Schedule Guidelines

An offering schedule must reflect the vision and direction of a congregation's ministry.

Here are some helpful tips when making your Offering Schedule each year.

CRCNA Offering Calendar & Deacon's Worksheet

Check out the CRCNA's Church Year Resources page to find The Offering Calendar, Deacons' Helper Worksheet, and other helpful resources.

Stewardship of TIME

General Overview

Perhaps time is one of our greatest commodities: it's free, yet priceless. How can followers of Jesus use their time wisely to accomplish what God has called them to do?

Spending Time with God

We become more like God's children as we spend time with Him (see Romans 8:29). Set aside time at your meetings to do devotions together, listening and learning and letting God lead you.

Recommended Resources

Look over our Recommended Reading and Resources list. It includes book studies, devotions, websites, and more.

#StewardshipSparks July '22 Time is a gift (E Elliot)

Stewardship of TALENTS

General Overview

God has made each one of us to serve a purpose in His Kingdom, using the gifts and abilities He has blessed us with.

Discover Your Gifts

We thank God for the wonderful diversity He created within the body of Christ (Rom. 12:4-5; 1 Cor. 12)! Each person can benefit another as you each use your gifts to glorify God!

Take the online survey now to discover your spiritual gifts.

Need more help?

Not sure where to start? Our Diaconal Coaches are here to help.

Benevolence Resources

Making Visits

Deacons are called to minister with compassion, aka mercy. Compassion is made visible through visits to people in the church and in the community.

Guidelines for Benevolence

This valuable resource is intended to help deacons establish a framework for responding to people who request help.

Financial Life Coaching

Deacons: Would you like to get off the treadmill of providing short-term financial help that doesn't seem to really change lives?

Deacons are now able to offer a more sustainable solution to their church and broader community through Financial Life Coaching. 

We've partnered with Ms. Anja Attema who will work directly with your church/diaconate. Anja can provide sustainable solutions and her coaching is accessible and affordable for everyone. Find out more by clicking the button below or email Anja at anjafinancialcoach@gmail.com.

Intake Form (Non-church member)

Many calls for benevolence come to the church office. Here is a simple yet helpful form your church administrator or deacons can use when receiving calls from the community.

Intake Form (Church member)

Here is a simple yet helpful form your church administrator or deacons can use when tracking those you are helping INSIDE your congregation.

Need Help?

Does your church have a benevolence policy? If you do, has it been updated recently?

If not, are you unsure where to start?

Our Diaconal Coaches and Regional Field Staff are here to help! We have workshops and resources to help your diaconate help those inside and outside your church when life gets hard. 


Developing Benevolence Guidelines Workshop

Veteran or new deacons can both struggle to find helpful ways to address complicated situations. The context in which we are now living is constantly changing and so we also need to adapt and adjust the way we do things as we serve in God’s Kingdom. Having clearly defined Guidelines will help you know when to spend a significant amount of time with a request, who to give to (or not) or when to refer to other community agencies.

This workshop will help you and your team of deacons know how best to respond to various situations in your church and/or community, as well as receive some effective criteria to help develop (or revisit) a workable policy.

Contact us to host your own workshop.

Helping Without Harming in Church Benevolence

“I wish our church could do more to truly help those in financial need among us.”

Have you ever thought that? Building on the teachings of the book "When Helping Hurts," by Brian Flikkert and Steve Corbett, this workshop will guide your church and deacons to implement a wise approach to your benevolence work.

Discover how food banks, deacon funds, and other benevolent activities can be more meaningful and have a greater impact.

Contact one of our Regional Ministry Developers to learn more and/or to schedule a workshop today!

"Helping Without Harming" in Local & Global Community Engagement

“When relief is merely a bandaid that alleviates the symptoms of poverty but fails to address the root causes, then it is illegitimate. Such assistance merely helps people to manage their poverty rather than to escape from it.”

(Establishing a Church-based Welfare-to-Work Mentoring Ministry, by Amy Sherman)

**THIS WORKSHOP IS A GREAT PREREQUISITE FOR DEACONS AND MINISTRY LEADERS IN THE CHURCH. Participants will learn foundational principles that can be used in all areas of the church and its mission.**

Deacons want to help - but what if our help could actually be doing harm?

What if our programs are only focused on needs and filling gaps? What if our programs and resources aren't addressing the root causes of poverty, food insecurity, and other injustices?

This workshop trains and equips churches and organizations to address poverty and injustice both locally and globally in good, helpful, wholesome ways.

Visit our Events page regularly to find a workshop near you. Or click below to contact us to host your own workshop! We'll help you with all of the promotion and planning.