Diaconal Ministry Shares are the main revenue stream that helps support the activities of Diaconal Ministries Canada each year.
In a nutshell, Diaconal Ministry Shares are part of the agreement that Canadian Deacons made with each other in the 1960s and recommitted themselves to in 2001 when representatives from every Canadian CRC Classis (and/or Diaconal Conference) met and approved Diaconal Ministries Canada as a national organization.
(Note: Diaconal Ministry Shares are not the same as Denominational or Classical Ministry Shares.)

How are Diaconal Ministry Shares invoiced?
Shares (or "dues") are invoiced to each Christian Reformed Church in Canada and are based on each church's membership.
Each spring, the Diaconal Ministries' Board of Directors (made up of representatives from every Canadian Classis) reviews and approves the per-member amount and each year these amounts, along with audited financial statements, are presented at Diaconal Ministries' Annual General Meeting (typically November).
Invoices are mailed out in August and churches are asked to forward their payment before the end of the calendar year* (Dec. 31st).
*Diaconal Ministries' fiscal year runs from July 1-June 30th, therefore we ask for shares to be submitted as close to the beginning of OUR new fiscal year as possible.
Looking for the current ministry share rate per member?
We understand that most church budgets run the calendar year and therefore may need to know the 'per member' rate before August!
Please reach out to our Finance Team at dmcfinance@crcna.org and they can help you with any information you need!
What do Diaconal Ministry Shares pay for?
Shares fund the basic support and resources we give to deacons and churches across Canada, including our network of Diaconal Coaches.
Do Diaconal Ministry Shares cover all expenses?
While our primary funding comes from these shares, Diaconal Ministries continues to break new ground so we can better serve deacons and the local church.
We also aim to grow the impact of our Diaconal Coach network, allowing them more time to be available for workshops and one-on-one visits with deacons and churches.
These new initiatives take extra time and money so we look to generous donors with a diaconal heart to step up and fund these exciting new ventures.
Will you partner with us?
Your one-time or monthly donation will help us extend our reach and increase our impact!

What about NewGround?
It's important to note that NewGround (formerly Operation Manna) does not receive funding from our ministry share model. It has its own budget and designated funding stream.
NewGround Sunday is typically held the 1st Sunday in May (see the annual Deacon's Calendar) and it is funded primarily through this offering. Our annual fundraising goal for NewGround is around $150,000.
As churches have begun to streamline their offering schedules (for a variety of reasons), we have asked if they would consider adding NewGround to their annual budget.
Is this something your church could do?
Why should I give to NewGround?
NewGround helps churches that have creative and courageous ideas in order to see their community flourish yet require funding, resources, and coaching support to make them a reality.
It's one of the only programs that specifically funds initiatives in Canadian CRCs, and we walk with our NewGround partners for 2-3 years to make sure their ministries remain meaningful and sustainable.
This funding has a real impact!