Our Annual General Meetings are open to ALL who are interested in the work of Diaconal Ministries Canada.

AGM Notification -GENERIC pic

Our AGM was held on Thursday, November 23, 2023, at 8:00pm EST.

The meeting was held online via Zoom in order to increase accessibility and reach a broader audience.

Our Annual General Meeting is a time to review the mission and mandate of Diaconal Ministries and how we work with deacons and churches across Canada. We review our Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements from the previous fiscal year, we present our new budget, and we also invite a guest speaker to share briefly about an exciting community ministry in Canada. We do leave time for questions and some open discussion on our diaconal work and that of our partners.

All Meeting Materials are now posted below. 

Did you miss it? We'll see you next year!

AGM 2023 Meeting Materials

The following documents are for review before the meeting. All of these are linked in the Agenda:

  • Diaconal Ministries’ Organizational Structure
  • Minutes of the November 17, 2022 Diaconal Ministries’ Annual General Meeting
  • 2022-23 Annual Report
  • 2022-2023 Audited Financial Statements
  • Diaconal Ministries’ Budget (updated) for 2023-24, as approved by the Board on October 28, 2023

View and/or download the Agenda by clicking the button below.

AGM 2023 - Guest Speaker

Harry Stam

Harry Stam

We welcomed Mr. Harry Stam, Director of Crossroads for Prisoners Canada, as this year's guest speaker. Crossroads is one of our newest NewGround partners!

Crossroads is a national organization that strives to connect people in churches with those in prison to develop Christ-centered relationships as they study God’s Word together. 

“Although we may be small, we totally trust God to enable our ministry to be a voice of hope and comfort to those in prison. The message of God’s mercy and grace brings beautiful light to the dark world that these men and women live in. Many are fighting addictions, and many have had unfortunate family situations and are hurting and confused. Many feel unworthy and are burdened by their past, and God’s Word brings them hope and peace. It is our prayer that we can continue to bless all those in our Canadian prisons who want to learn more about God’s Word, and we totally rely on His strength to carry out our mission.”

The full recording will be available soon!


Every Canadian CRCNA diaconate is entitled to one (1) vote on each question at the AGM.

Those unable to attend the meeting may register their vote online using the form provided. 

Please discuss the meeting material within your diaconate before registering your vote.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact your Board member as found at diaconalministries.com/our-team or email us at dmc@crcna.org.



Email our office - dmc@crcna.org.